Well, worst, isn't strong enough in this case. Its an indication of how bad things are, education wise, in this country. Some 60% (213.438) of all candidates in last year's KCSE scored below a C-. Given the fact that the minimum acceptable grade to get into University is a C+, its not wrong to assume that 70% of all candidates who sat the test wouldn't even get accepted to a university. Not mention the fact that the curriculum is outdated, imparts no knowledge and doesn't prepare students for the rigours of post-secondary education but thats another blogpost.
You might be surprised to learn that most of the worst high schools in the country lie outside of NEP in places that are considered to have better resources. Out of the worst 50 schools in Kenya, Nyanza contributed 17, central had 10, 7 from Eastern, Coast had 6 and 5 from Nairobi. The Rift Valley had two schools in this category while NEP had just one school.
St. Marks High School of Central is officially the worst school in Kenya boasting an average of 1.58. Out of its 76 candidates, 39 scored E, 29 D- & 7D
Kyulu Sec of Eastern had a mean score of 1.64 with 10 E
Our very own Bute Girls rounded up the top 3 with 22E & 13D-
Guru Nanak of Eastleigh Nairobi, a profiteering Indian owned sham of a school that defrauds Somalis was ranked fourth with a mean score of 1.8 and a massive 18 E's. This school is well known to most of Garissians because of a lot of our boys & girls go there.
While this list does not provide enough information to form an educated opinion since its mainly composed of rudimentary outliers, I was a bit surprised by the fact that NEP didn't feature prominently in this list. My deduction is that we have very few high schools per capita compared to other places and that our weakest students are dropped off in lower grades. Furthermore, this indicates the lazy conflation that NEPians are OK with mediocrity might after all have some truth to it.
Stories gleaned off from the Saturday Nation.